Friday, April 20, 2012

Playlist Friday: White Town

Playlist Friday time! and just in time I say. My cousin and I have loved this song since we first heard it eons ago..I feel so old :P but I think I have posted it before on my blog. I still love it today so I am posting it again! It's a song by White Town - Your woman. I never knew what this song meant... 'till today. XD

How is everyone liking this new blogspot layout? I have not been on for awhile and it's kinda intimidating and I for one hate huge changes. I am sure I will grow to love it :) Have an awesome weekend everyone. I have a concert Saturday night (that I am not looking forward).

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Love a great song! :) Thank you so much for your comment on my blog and support! I'll be moving back the first week in June! Yay! :)