Saturday, February 12, 2011

He said, she said: Our boifriend

Spending a ton of time with CLK is fun, especially when he said goofy things that I can put on my blog. Even though he said don't quote me on your blog...I am going to anyway! He is just too fun not to XD This would be a he said, she said series. :) The lovely LiLu of The Southified Masshole has a Tumblr, The Shiz My Boyfriend Says dedicated to quirky conversations between she and B (her other half) :), and you could even send your own quirky conversation pieces!! She was the first blogger I love, after reading posts after posts I got hooked! Thanks LiLu for being my inspiration!

PS My Project 365 is still on halt. I have pictures to sort out. :) Will definitely 'cheat' a lot and post multiples in the next few days!

While we were watching Arsenal play (2 weeks ago)

She: Yay Arsenal scored...Fabregas scored again! My boyfriend.
He (looks at me): No, our boyfriend.

Pause. LOL.


Maggy Vaugeois said...

ahha :)
nice story :^B

Keirasluckycharm said...

Thats hilarious! just like "the sh!t my dad says" lol

a!k0 said...

@Maggy V: :P he is pretty funny when he doesn't try too hard

@Keirasluckycharm: Oh I have never heard that! I know LiLu does the shiz my bf says!